The predecessor of cleantechPro was a company mainly work on supplying, repairing laundry related machines and providing industrial laundry services. Mastering the knowledge and experi-ence with machines and technolongies in laundry services, CleantechPro has been developing and expanding maufacturing scales in lines with improving service qualities.
Early 2014, a high technology cleanroom laundry services department has been opened in CleantechPro. In Vietnam cleanroom laundry is totally new field of cleaning and decontaminating workwear in high technolongy workin g environments with strict standards of cleanliness. As a result of thorough research and development in cleanroom and cleanroom laundry technolongies, CleantechPro has invested in building an ISO class 1000 cleanroom with machines and equipment imported from Germany, Japan USA… Our well trained engineers and professional working staff are the guarantee for best industrial cleaning and laundry services for you.